Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Frugal Tip of the Week
Tuesday March 31
Buying in Bulk what can it do for you.
There are some good reasons. Number one you don't have
to go shopping all the time. Two, you always have certain
items in the house, such as pantry items. Three, the cost is less.
This is due to ruling out the middle man. If you buy a pound
of oatmeal as compared to buying 25 pounds the cost goes
Buying in bulk also saves you time and allows you
to do activities you enjoy.
If you have never done this before. Start with one item
such as oatmeal.
Belonging to a coop is very helpful in this area. Our
coop orders once a month, and sometimes every other
month. Its all online, you just make a basket. One
week we order the next week we pick up the order.
There are also many companies out there that will let
you order with one flat fee for shipping.
When I first began putting beans in my families diet.
We ordered them from a company that offered many
different types of beans.
Just a thoughtful hint for the homemaker.
Monday, March 30, 2009
What do I know of Calvary Love

Victorian Garden
What do I know of Calvary Love
Monday March 30
If I can easily discuss
the shortcomings and
the sins of any;
if I can speak in a casual
way even of a child's
then I know nothing
of Calvary Love
written by Amy Carmichal from the book IF
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Day 6 and 7 of Femine Attire
This day was a day of doing paperwork.
I worked on a pile of papers that had just made a life of its own.
Sitting at my desk in the den pretty much till afternoon.
I use to tell people I am just not organized, but that was
Sunday March 29
Friday, March 27, 2009
Day 5 of Femine Attire
Today I will be going out. So this morning I am spending
time getting ready. This is my shopping day. I will driving
to about an hour away for my grocery shopping. Since,
I try to only do once a month grocery shopping. Buying
in bulk helps me with staying out of grocery store. Which
I think keeps the unneccesary spending down.
The best part about it is I have time for sewing and gardening.
Two of my favorite things to do. Plus I am home for my
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Day 4 of Femine Attire
Today I was up at normal time, 5 am.
While I was waiting for my visitor Rachel
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Day 3 of Femine Attire
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Day 2 Femine Attire
The black skirt I am wearing I
made at christmas time. It is just
a drawstring skirt just a little
different from my jean skirt from
yesterday. It is very free flowing
and this one is also lined.
A keeper of the home has the freedom to use her
time as she chooses.
We can learn to make things and be creative. We just have
Monday, March 23, 2009
Day 1 of Femine Attire
Then I came in and had breakfast. My jean skirt
works perfect today.
Doing outside work in the morning. This skirt gives me plenty of room to
work in.
My jean skirt was one of my first types of skirts I made.
It is a simple skirt and relatively fast one to make.
Below I am working on making some sandwich bread.
Friday, March 20, 2009
My Week of Femine Dress

For the next week I will post pictures of my femine attire. I will be taking a break on my
normal schedule of topics.
Below is a link to Emily's blog, as this was her idea of hearing from other ladies who dress in femine attire.
As a little girl I loved dressing up and always wearing a dress. My mom never
seemed to mind as she was seamstress. I would love to be in the kitchen
with my Mom. Learning to cook at a very early age probably gave me
great pleasure in making things in the kitchen.
This little girl reminds me of my Mom sending me to get apples
for dinner.

Little Girl Clutching Apples, 1895
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Frugal Tip of the Week
Wednesday March 18
Frugal is what I have grown up with. As an adult I strive to continue to be frugal. Three years ago when my son Andrew decided to go to a christian college. I knew my frugal ways were
going to be put to the test. Today we are able to send our son to Philadelphia Biblical University. When he started talking about going to this school I told him it was to expensive.
We could never afford for him to go there. Andrew is now a been there for two years. We have managed to pay for his school so far due to being frugal.
I must tell you that God continues to show me ways where I am spending and could be saving.
Everyday I must ask myself whats really important. Sending my son to college is very important as God is training Andrew to effect his generation.
One of my favorite blogs to read I have a link below.
The title of her topic is "1001 ways to save money"
Although I do not agree with everything she says but, overall she has very good points.
Monday, March 16, 2009
What do I know of Calvary Love

In The Orangery
Thursday, March 12, 2009

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Frugal Tip of the Week

Old Mason Jars
Tuesday March 10
Frugal Tip of the Week
Mason Jars what can we do with them?
I use them to store anything from beans,
grain, milk I buy from the farm, left overs.
You get the idea!
The one good reason I like to use mason jars
is that they are glass. The don't keep smells
in and you can sterilize them.
The second good reason is they take up less
room in the refrigerator or cabinet.
The third good reason is I just like the way
they look in my cabinet.
The only bad part I see in using Mason Jars
is they do break. So, be careful about putting
them in your dishwasher if you use one.
The old stand by of washing by hand will
keep their life longer.
I have to tell you I am always on the search for Mason
Jars. Where I live people are always throwing them
away. My husband goes on craig's list as you can list
items for sale or for free.
Pioneer women used what they had and never
threw anything away!
Monday, March 09, 2009
What do I know of Calvary Love

Black Brook
I have not compassion on my fellow servant,
even as my Lord had pity on me,
then I know nothing of Calvary love.
Taken from IF by Amy Carmichal