Monday, February 26, 2007

Raising maidens

Raising Maidens, is something God placed on my heart. A mother nourishes her baby and now that she is a young girl a mother must also nourish her into womanhood. As a young girl matures we want them to have God charcteristics not world charcteristics. Mothers need to take this thought into consideration as our daughters mature. We must teach them about Gods word and His ways or the world will teach them instead. Raising my daughter to be a lady and to be busy at home is what God commands. Titus 2:4-5

One hundred years ago raising our daughters was something mothers took seriously. Girls by the age of thirteen would be taught how to sew, cook and carry herself like a lady. Through the years I loved carrying on old fashion ideas. Before I was a christian I would tell people I was born in the wrong time. Now I understand that I was not born in the wrong time , God has placed me right where he wanted me. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2. According to the Bible we are to be set apart.
A book I bought last year through Vision Forum was a real eye operner, Raising Maidens of Virtue helped me see things more clearly.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

The Freezing Temperatures

Freezing temperatures came upon us right after the Snow. Now it seems the deep freeze of winter has come upon us. My winter garden is as hard as rock. My first thought was why did it freeze? The thin sheet of plastic is not enough when your having 10 degrees temperatures. You could say that in the raw cold we need extra care. This means ourselves our animals and yes our winter gardens.

My inside garden is soaking up all the sun that February brings. My lettuce plants are in the windows upstairs. I didn't feel they were getting enough sun. Putting up a white poster board on the window has given them extra light. The plastic greenhouse in the kitchen has most of the plants. Putting the white poster board in there also has produced heat. Do you know whats so amazing, its the simple things that create.

My little mother sheep is also in need of care in these freezing temperatures. One day my mother sheep, Lila did not stand. That was the most upsetting sight, anguish came over me. This time I called the vet right away, a nutrient lacking in her diet is the problem. Plus she was cold, her temperature showed this. Pulling my trailer I went and got 10 bales of straw. Surrounding her with straw to keep her warmer, I only hoped this would help.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Winter Garden

It is the end of January or the beginning of 2007. Winter Gardening is a topic I felt was worth researching. How to produce cold season vegetables in the winter months. I always preached eat whats in season.
Different vegetables grow well at certain times of the year. Here on the eastern coast of the United States we always have some sort of sun. Why not use this to our advantage in growing vegetables? New Jersey got its first real snow which accumulated to 3 inches. Snow can help when trying to conduct solar energy. The Four Season Harvest by Eliot Coleman is a book which helped to begin acting out a winter garden. We had just experienced a period of tempertures well below freezing. Now, I needed to figure out how to defrost the frozen soil. For a week, placing blankets and a tarp over the soil did the trick. Last week before the snow came uncovering the blankets proved defrosted soil. Placing fencing wire over the raised beds to make a tunnel with plastic covering made a winter garden. The next step will be putting the plants in their winter garden.