Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Frugal Tip

Saturday, June 27, 2009
Sweet Peas
This was my first picking of my peas this year. What a
great harvest. Getting out in the garden very early in the
season has payed off. How early you ask, the end of
Februrary I was getting my site ready. I thought
I would be ready to put the peas in right at the
beginning of March. Wrong, here comes snow.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Saturday, June 06, 2009
Making yogurt took one day.
I used whole raw milk for this recipe.
8 cups of whole raw milk
1/2 cup yogurt culture
(store bought)
Place in crock pot for 2 1/2 hours on low.
After, the two and half hours turn off and leave
in the crock pot for 3 hours. Then, add your yogurt
culture and blend. Place towel around crockpot to
hold the heat in, and leave overnight.
The next morning put in container and refrigerate.
You have yogurt.
Now, you can't tell me you don't have time for that.
The kids and I had strawberries and yogurt for a treat.
Although, they added powder sugar to sweeten it up.
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
The one thing we changed this year was inter planting
onions in the strawberry bed. I purchased onions seedlings
from a company in Texas in early spring.
This is called companion gardening. It is also about
using your space wisely. There is a book that I like,
its called Carrots Love Tomatoes.
In this book she talks about how to plant good companions to
all sorts of plants. Flowers and herbs along with your vegetables.
What a grand idea.
This year I also have added flowers in the
strawberry bed also for a little color. As you can
see there is a row of chamomile along the Iris bed.
The new flower that I added this year is Salvia.
This is planted along the last row of strawberries,
along with the Iris row.
This picture shows an additional bed of strawberries
that I transfered in early spring. When I was fixing
the rows in the big bed, there are always extra plants.
In this picture you can see the onions we inter cropped.
Beside this bed I have an old cattle fence we use for
climbing flowers. This year I planted climbing Nasturium
next to the fence.
This picture is my very first bed of strawberries.
I began other beds of strawberries due to this bed not
producing very well. What I am finding out is that my
soil is very poor quality. After I applied the leaf mulch
and compost this year they are taller plants.
Happy Gardening!