Wednesday, July 15, 2009



Wednesday July 15

What kind of flowers are we growing this year.

This has been a great year to grow from seed.

This is the climbing nasturium .

The rose is one of those plants that comes back

year after year. This year I have been giving

my plant any left over milk products. They say

it helps with black spot. I have to say my rose

bush is doing okay this year. Even thought we have

a lot of rain.


Lady Farmer said...

Now that is something I have never heard of before ~ using milk for black spot! Very interesting! Do you 'water' the rose with it or do you spray the plant with it? Living in the Pacific Northwest, I get lots of rain and therefore blackspot. I am curious how this will work. Thanks for sharing.

Diane said...

So pretty. I am a perrenial type of gal and glad for anything that comes back and doesn't need much help.

Patricia Bunk said...

Just to let you know this just a trick I tried. The pouring of milk around the root of the plant is all I do. I am not saying it will fix all your problems but it will make your plant stronger.