Saturday, January 03, 2009


Kansas, Winter Farm Scene, Snowy Weather by Brimberg & Coulson
Kansas, Winter Farm Scene, Snowy Weather

Winter is a time of rest for the farmers. Making bread inside
while the winds are howling across the plains. The hot soup
is on the stove for the noon day meal.

As January rolls around it is time to start planning for the

next growing season. Getting the graph paper out to visualize

what this years garden will look like. What did not work out

last year, like the voles eating all the onions. What are we going

to do about that problem?

Growing onions this year is going to be a focus of mine.

This is one crop I feel I should be growing in large amounts.

Due to this being something my family uses in large quanities.

Starting from onion seeds is the way I am going to take.

It is the most economical way to go.

The heirloom onions I am looking at growing is called Australian Brown.

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