Saturday, January 17, 2009

Soap Making

Soap Selection I by Wouter Roelofs
Soap Selection I

Making soap is a great project for the homemaker. We must care
about what we put on our skin. As we care about the food that goes
into our bodies. Soap is truly just oils and lye and water mixed. The
nice part about making your own soap is the choice of which oils to use.

There are many oils to choose from.
Coconut oil is one of my favorite oils to go into my soap.
It has some great properties. It hardens the soap bar, it lathers
very nicely, and oh what it can do for your skin.
It helps with the aid of your skin wrinkling.

Olive oil is one of the other important oils used in skin products.
It is probably an oil that is used in many areas of our lives.
We cook with it and we use it our skin and hair.
There are many uses of olive oil in the bath.
When you get out of the bath apply olive oil on your skin
while your skin is still warm.

These are bar soaps I made recently.

You can also make soap in shapes, this happens to be one of my favorites

The heart shape has always been a winner in gift stores that I sell to.

This flower soap shape is a gift soap as its small.

This shell shape is also a gift soap. I made these for a bridal shower in the past.

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