Monday July 14, 2008
Outside my window... the rain is splattering on the deck. I am
admiring the bubbles the rain is making on the deck. I find it
amazing today how the rain just comes flowing down from the
I am thinking... what a great love Jesus has shown us. In
yesterday's sermon, the youth pastor spoke. God was just
speaking through this man's mouth. I just kept hearing him
say "Do you really love me?" It occurred to me Jesus said
those same words to Peter. Do you love me?
I am thankful... for my life with my family, as a young women
that is all I wanted. The Lord so graciously gave it to me.
From the son and I shared breakfast together
this morning. We maid omletes and fried bacon over conversation.
I am daughter and I are making a tiered skirt for her. These
seem to be in style this summer.
I am going... to start planting my fall garden and envisioning
the winter garden.
I am wearing... my brown flowing skirt with a beige sweater.
I am reading... From 1 Peter this morning and doing a little studying as
I will be teaching Bible study this evening on David. I am also reading
Abigail Adams a book I got from the library.
I am hoping... for a peaceful day.
I am hearing... a song playing called Grace Flows Down.
Around the house... it is quiet this morning.
One of my favorite things... is looking at old women praire pictures.
A few plans for the rest of the week...getting my husband ready for his
business trip to Atlanta on Thursday. Making time for sewing, and working
on the strawberry bed this week.
Here is a picture thought...
My first tomato of the season. It was a great joy to pick your very first
The Simple Woman
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