Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Words to Live By, Family by Debbie DeWitt
Words to Live By, Family

On Saturday we will be having a celebration for my oldest son, Phillip. God has brought him a wife, her name is Allysa. Saturday we will be bringing the two families together. My husband and I are throwing the engagement party to commemarate thier love for one another.

The wedding will be on March 27, 2010.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Look whats in the Garden

Look Whats in the Garden
Thursday April 16

Last fall I planted these plants.

What are these little plants? Mustard greens, and cabbage,

there's nothing like the fresh taste from your garden.

No grocery store can produce that.

I put them against

the house for the winter months. Now in the spring

they are thriving.

These are the lettuce plants my dear husband started indoors.

My little lettuce plants. No, rows just putting them where there

is room.

This is my rhubarb plant that we planted last year.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Working in the Garden

Working in the Garden

Wednesday April 15

Working in the garden is where I have been spending my early hours.
Getting up early gets my work done. This way I have time for
my other duties later in the day.
The air is so crisp in the early hours. It just seems to wake you up.
Do I want to eat healthy food?
I could just go to the store and buy produce
from there. No, they spray the vegetables
heavily with checmicals.
This food is bad for you!
During the war years everyone had gardens.
I believe we need to go back to this.
The gardens were called Victory Gardens.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Frugal Tip of the Week

Frugal Tip of the Week

Tuesday April 14

Hanging laundry out to dry. This week I am centering my attention on

laundry as I am doing spring cleaning. In our home we don't use the

dryer as it cost money. If I don't have to spend money on drying and the

wind will do the drying for me.

That works for me!

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Sewing a new Dress

Sewing a new dress
Wednesday April 8

I have finished Rachel's easter dress.

Friday, April 03, 2009

The Little Seamstress

Little Seamstress
Friday April 3

Little Seamstress by Jessie Wilcox-Smith

Little Seamstress

Teaching my daughter to sew is such a joy. Although

I am learning myself she always inspires me to strive

to try new things. We pick out material together.

Its great when we take a day and just go look at

material. We talk about the different fabrics so you

might say its a learning experience. Most of the time

we buy fabric online, from a few different sources.

Fashion Fabrics

Hancock Fabrics

We have a few fabric stores by us that we like to go.

Joann Fabrics is a good store to go to and they

have coupons. You can also buy from them online.

Stich n Sew is a local store that is close to us. Its

more like a warehouse of apparel fabric and decorator

fabric. They have everything in this store. The only

drawback is the prices are higher than most places.

It is a good place to just look though.

Hand sewing is one of the first places she began.

There's a book on the market that I love to look

through with her as it gives us ideas what to fill

her hope chest with. Which gave her incentive

to sew for herself. She is spending her young years

learning to sew to put away for future years.

The Hope Chest A Legacy of Love

by Rebekah Wilson

In her education I feel sewing needs to be part

of her everyday lessons.

Right now she is working on making a tote bag.

So for all the little seamstesses out there

continue to learn new techniques.

Even if you sew for a small amount

of time everyday. That is better than not sewing at all.

Mother and Child by Carl Holsoe
Mother and Child

Thursday, April 02, 2009

All Dressed Up

All Dressed Up
Wednesday April 1
Victorian Woman in Hat Drawing
Victorian Woman in Hat Drawing
I like to take one day where I do
more relaxing activities. Invite
friends over for a cup of tea and
have some fellowship.
In our society everyone is always
on the go. Doing this helps people
to slow down and take time for friends.
Even if its having tea with my daughter.
We get dressed up and have a nice time.
It is always a good idea to take a day
and pamper yourself. Give yourself
a hair treatment.
Just enjoy the day!