Monday, February 09, 2009

Money Growers Manual

I came across this picture what an idea.

Selling plants and vegetables
from your backyard. I always have lots of left over plants, why not sell
the extras. Last year I potted about 15 chive plants that had grown in
a herb bed. Growing scented geranium plants is another novel
idea I had.

I am always propagating these little gems. Right now I have all my
geraniums in my bathroom where there is lots of light. Plus it is cool
up there, geraniums do not like the heat of the house.

Last year I was at a garden center and they were selling one of my
geraniums for 15 dollars a piece. I bought one of those plant from a
mail order catalog called Select Seeds. They only sell heirloom plants
and seeds. For 5.00 dollars I purchased one of three varities and I am
propagating these little gems.
We will see what this growing season will bring us.

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