I am seeking my Lord.
Oh where I go He will show up.
In the kitchen, he sits with me, and talks with me.
As I do the dishes he comforts me.
When, I am sweeping the floor he sings to me.
Oh where I go He will show up.
Out to the garden to tend to His world.
The flowers are showing their colors,
He surrounds us with His love.
Oh where I go He will show up.
In the sewing room with my daughter,
I help her learn an art of stiching,
she has a willing heart that the Lord
gave her, bless her soul.
Oh where I go He will show up.
As I prepare dinner he comes to sit.
While, I set the table he blesses my time.
The family comes in and fills the house.
How precious this time to have while
the boys are still amungst us.
My daughter fills my days as I train her
up to be a lady.
The Lord is always with us wherever we go.
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