Thursday, May 20, 2010

Hand Sewing

Hand Sewing
Thursday May 20

Hand sewing is something I love to do.
Last night I worked on Rachel's new tiered
skirt which is a nice light weight linen material.
I am hand sewing the tiers together. I like
how the gathers come out when they are done
the old fashion way.

When I go on trips with my husband
I can still work on my sewing projects. Last
weekend I went on a road trip to Hartford, Conn.
I finished all the of the tiers, but one.

I did get to go look at some historical dresses
at the art museum.
I love studying historical dresses.
So much more detail went into their garments.
It was a true inspiration.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Cool Season Vegetables

Cool Season Vegetables
Tuesday May 18

Cool season vegetables are plentiful.
We are enjoying some very nourishing
food, which is great after the winter.

Due to being one of those people who try
to only eat whats in season. It sure was
nice to eat these vegetables. I am starting
to understand how great food taste when
you have to wait for its season.

We put most of these crops in late October
of last year. This is called overwintering,
which makes your spring work a lot easier.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Iris's are Blooming

The Iris's are Blooming
Wednesday May 12

My yard is full of color. Most of the Iris
flowers have bloomed. I plant them amongst
the vegetables in the garden. It gives you a
nice splash of color early in the season.