Monday, May 18, 2009

Nature Study

Nature Study
Monday May 18

The spring here at the little homestead has been busy.

Home education also includes whats going on in the garden.

My daughter Rachel has been doing some studies on flowers.

The first flower study for this year was the Bleeding Heart.

Here is a question for anyone. Do you have information on the

history of this little plant. I am talking about the heirloom

red variety. We have been searching for when it was

introduced. For all you veteran flower gardeners,

look through your books and let us know.

Again, I am always looking for a

new book or old.

The second flower was the Iris.

In our study we take apart the flower and

see how the insects get into the plant to get

the nectar.

My grandmother gave this one to me.

It is finally starting to reproduce.


Faith said...

I have irises that came down through the family, traveled over many states and homesteads, and have been passed for at least 100 years. Kind of cool. :)

Good botany study for your DD. :)


Lady Farmer said...

What lovely pictures of the Bleeding Hearts and the Iris! There are a few of the Bleeding hearts growing wild in the woodland behind our property and I have just a few Iris. One is from my Grandmothers garden. They used to be a lovely deep purple with white, but time has changed them somehow ~ they are all faded and nearly all white now. I wonder what the cause of that is?
I was looking at some of your previous posts and am headed now to get your Salmon Patties recipe. I love salmon and haven't made patties is years!Thanks for the reminder and the recipe!