Tuesday, January 10, 2006
My Hearts Desire
My hearts desire is what came to my mind after reading a blog, A. Victoria. Check her out if you have never read her blog. For the Christian it can be very inspiring. My hearts desire is for my family to run a farm. My husband and I have visited many places we would like to call our own. This past October we went up to Ithaca, New York. We have fallen in love with this area. Here in New Jersey, there is building going on all around us. The horse farm by our home has sold to a developer and so more houses will be built. We have often thought of moving to Kentucky to be by my family. God has not led my family to do this though. Coming closer to being the Godly woman that is another hearts desire. It probably will help me to live out my hearts desire in the Lord. There is a book on the market which I found very helpful to being a help meet to my husband, Created To Be His Help Meet by Debi Pearl. This book has helped me in many ways this year due to the world we live in. If I had a recommended list of books for the Godly Woman this book would be on it. I am your servant; give me discernment that I may understand your statues. Psalm 119:125. God has surrounded me with Godly Sisters which have incouraged me, I am very thankful for this. Here in New Jersey and through the blog world.
Monday, January 09, 2006
Medicinal herbs
Today as I went out to feed animals and care for them I put my rain coat on. The temperature is still mild here, so I don't need my hat and gloves. Mr. Homesteader said to me this morning" Some people get depressed in the winter but you get sad when there is no winter." I am planning on being in the basement cleaning up and making soap. It has been awhile since I did this, but it won't be cold downstairs today. No working outside today as it is going to rain all day. That is okay with me, since shoveling the chicken yard this past week.
As we go into the winter season this is when I start making herbal medicines. A couple of years ago I found some recipes for lotions. I began making all different types of lotions for my family to try. I do have a favorite I even make today, Rose Geranium Lotion. This lotion has very good products in it such as aloe vera and rose water. The rose comes from the rose water and Geranium from the essential oil. This year I started thinking you should make your own rose water. I bought a book called The Herbal Medicine-Makers Handbook. It has showed me how to get started in making my own Rose Water or hydrosol.
Since, I began making soap so many years ago to relieve some skin problems. The learning did not stop at soap making it went on to other things. My interests were in essential oils and how they can help us in everyday life. This is when I stumbled on a book called Clean, Naturally recipes for body, home, and spirit by Sandy Maine. This book opened a whole new world. In this book she uses essential oils for thier different properties, for different products. I began making cleaning products and removing manufactured cleaning products one by one. Today, I only use products that are made in our home.
As we go into the winter season this is when I start making herbal medicines. A couple of years ago I found some recipes for lotions. I began making all different types of lotions for my family to try. I do have a favorite I even make today, Rose Geranium Lotion. This lotion has very good products in it such as aloe vera and rose water. The rose comes from the rose water and Geranium from the essential oil. This year I started thinking you should make your own rose water. I bought a book called The Herbal Medicine-Makers Handbook. It has showed me how to get started in making my own Rose Water or hydrosol.
Since, I began making soap so many years ago to relieve some skin problems. The learning did not stop at soap making it went on to other things. My interests were in essential oils and how they can help us in everyday life. This is when I stumbled on a book called Clean, Naturally recipes for body, home, and spirit by Sandy Maine. This book opened a whole new world. In this book she uses essential oils for thier different properties, for different products. I began making cleaning products and removing manufactured cleaning products one by one. Today, I only use products that are made in our home.
Monday, January 02, 2006
The New Beginning

The new year of 2006 has come. I found myself asking, what does God have in store for my family. I am so thankful for the Lord bringing me closer to him. My life is changing right in front of me. My boys are not baby's anymore. There is a certain change a mother goes through when she gives God her son. My son was a gift, but God only lends children to you. Then one day you have to let God lead their life.
I had my boys 3 years apart, back then I thought that was the perfect space. My oldest is so full of energy always on the go. He always wanted to be the good guy when playing. Even when I said no guns in the house, he would make a stick a gun. Now he is going into Criminal Justice, guns will be part of his life. My second son is going to be driving in the spring. Then, he will graduate high school next summer. Why is it when they get to this age time is going to fast. He has gone through so many changes, its amazing to watch. I use to think he was going to be a scientist. A couple of weeks ago he told me God wants him to be a Pastor. Its a amazing how changes happen so quickly. Now, their ages seem to close.
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