Monday, June 30, 2008

The Simple Woman's Daybook

The Simple Woman's Day Book

Monday June 30, 2008

For Today

Outside my window... The birds are singing as if they are

as happy as I am that we had rain last night. The leaves on

the Dogwood tree are still wet this morning. There is a small

cool breeze coming in through the window. God is good, he

takes care of the plants growing outside.

I am happy I will be in a few days when my

husband returns to us after being away for 8 days.

I am thankful...for the gift from God of being homekeeper in

this modern world.

From the kitchen... I am baking cornbread and coffee cake

muffins. Cornbread for dinner and coffee cake for Bible study

this evening. Potato salad and barbeque chicken for dinner with

my cornbread.

I am creating... a bedspread for the winter months.

I am teach my daughter how to sew her own jean

skirt today. As she is now 12 and it is time for her to begin

sewing her own things. We will have to begin making items for

her Hope Chest soon.

I am wearing... a long beige skirt with a black short sleeve

sweater, and my hair is extra curly today.

I am reading... The Daily Bible with my daughter along with

Psalms, I read 1 Corinthians chapters 3-5. Rose From

Brier by Amy Carmichael, is a little read for the rest I

need in the afternoon. The Four Season Harvest by

Elliot Coleman which helps me stay on schedule for

planting in the garden.

I am listen for Gods guidance through my day.

One of my favorite remembering my visit with my family in Kentucky. As I cherish those visits so close to my heart. Being away from them most of the year. It is so nice that my brother and I were able to go fishing together with our girls. My Aunt and Mom were able to have girl talks this visit.

A few plans for the rest of the week...I would like to accomplish getting some progress done on my bedspread. Getting my daughter to finish her paper she has been working on, continueing organzing papers.

Here is a picture thought...

These are my prized strawberries this year. I grew ten rows
about 15 feet long the past two years. I made sure and cut off all
the runners to get good quality fruit. It shows when you really
take the time for something. My harvest this year gave me about
6 quarts of strawberries . I am very pleased with the size
of the strawberries, there were some that were quite large. Now I will have
to plant a cover crop as I sure don't want to pull weeds in this plot
the rest of the summer.
To go to the originator of this cooperative daybook:

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Growing Potatoes

Saturday June 28, 2008

Growing Potatoes

This year we planted 15 lbs of potatoes. Our plan is to grow
enough potatoes to get us through till next season. I figured
every one loves potatoes, so why not grow them. All summer
my family loves eating potato salad. It is one of those staple
foods I grew up with and my children also have grown up with.

I started out by placing an order with Seed Savers Exchange.
The potatoes arrived at my door right on time to plant. We set
the potato seeds out in the sunlight for the eyes to form. After the
eyes formed I cut them up as you only need two or three eyes per
potato seed. Then, we began marking our rows with a stake and
string. I then took a bulb planter and marked my holes and plop
the potato went in. Cover with a soil.

My husband and have read Elliot Colemans books for many years.
First, The New Organic Grower and then Four Season Harvest. In
his books he talks about adding soil amendments or feeding the soil.
This year we took his advice and added peatmoss, bloodmeal and
bonemeal to the potato bed. The last step to our potato planting is
putting down mulch to keep in the moisture. This is where the reading
of these books came in handy. For the past two years we would take
our leaves from our yard and composted them. This year we had all
the mulch we wanted. Piling the mulch on the potato rows as they grow.
Now stand back and let God do the rest.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Digging in the Garden

Tuesday June 24, 2008

Digging in the garden is a true work of art. Looking at

this picture is how I see a women ,a home keeper raising food

for her family. It shows how she spends her summer hours.

What can you grow in your garden this year? Corn is always

a common staple as after its done growing you can freeze it or

eat it fresh.

I look to the Lord for the strength I need to carry out my

daily tasks.

Friday, June 20, 2008

A Season of Rest

Friday June 20, 2008
Sitting on the porch relaxing.
Hodgenville, Kentucky
Home away from home.
A season of rest.