Thursday, July 29, 2010

He's Always Been Faithful ~ Sara Groves

He has always been faithful to me!
Thursday July 29, 2010

This song just touched my heart this morning.
As God continues to direct my families life.
The Lord is moving us out of New Jersey.
Our new home will be in Kentucky.

I have started a new blog called
Faith Lane Farm

Friday, July 16, 2010


Friday July 16, 2010

Calendula is an annual that blooms in summer.
If you leave it in the same garden area it will
come up voluntarily. Here is another plant that
gives seeds generously. The secret is timing
if you want to collect the seeds.

I started growing this flower because it is
considered to be an herb. Being a soap
maker, I was looking for more plant material
to make soaps. I am hoping this year to dry
some of the flowers since I am growing this
in greater abundance. Making a tea from the
flower will be how I will add it to the soap.

The different tones of oranges and yellows
have always attracted my eye.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Simple Living

Simple Living
Saturday July 10, 2010

Simple Living is something I have always strived
towards. That to me is living without worldly things.
Its not hard to see what kind of world we live in .

I received a letter yesterday from my
sponsored child. The best part about her
letter was her picture and how proud she was.
I sent her 10 dollars and she went and bought
food for her family. She was so proud.
This brought tears to my eyes and just
touched my heart. I think this is what
Jesus was talking about when he was
talking about loving each other.

Eating out seems to be something us Americans
seem to think we deserve. When we don't feel
like making dinner, we make excuses for
ourselves. I began thinking how some people
in this world just want to eat food.

Eating out to me is worldly, especially if
you think about 25.00 and how it could
be used. I can buy 25 lbs of wheat berries
for 25 dollars. That will last me about 2
months, maybe even 3 months. What do
I do with wheat berries? Wheat berries
turns into flour, which I then turn into
food. Like waffles, loaves of bread,
muffins, biscuits, or even a salad.

Growing food is also another example of
this idea. How much do you spend on
lettuce for dinner for your family?

What happens when you decide to grow the
lettuce. Did you know it only takes 22
days to grow lettuce in your garden.
You don't have a garden or the space.
You can grow lettuce in a rectangle
container at your back door.

Lets rethink how we think about food!

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Collecting Seeds

Collecting Seeds
Wednesday July 7,2010

Today while moving the water sprinkler
in the garden I started collecting seeds.
Cosmos are always the first flower to go
to seed. Thankfully, not at all at the
same time. Last year I was not
faithful at collecting seed.
Not always a bad thing though.
These are the annual flowers which
I like to call volunteers.

Cosmos Bright Lights

The early cosmos had some dry seeds.
Due to not having no more than a little more
than 1% rain fall in June. All's I can say is
New Jersey looks like its heading into a

Watering has become quite a chore.
Everything is dry. I do mulch which
is what probably is saving my plants
from dyeing.
Lets pray for rain!